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Flying High

March 01, 2020 - 5 minute read

Sarah Herron Jumping

19岁的莎拉·赫伦在康考迪亚大学欧文分校和太平洋西部会议上达到了新的高度, 成为该校首位NCAA年度最佳女性30强得主. 

In 2019, 莎拉还把康科迪亚和太平洋西部带到新的高度, 作为康科迪亚田径队变革赛季的一部分,为跳远创造了学校和会议的记录. 

“莎拉改写了对康考迪亚欧文分校田径运动员的期望,” says Keegan Bloomfield, 康考迪亚大学田径队和越野队的总教练. “She’s the epitome of a student-athlete. 看到她在场上和场下都取得成功是令人兴奋的.” 

Sarah holds three school records at Concordia, for indoor long jump, 户外跳远和与队友一起参加4 × 400米接力. 她两次获得太平洋西部地区跳远冠军. 她曾三次代表康考迪亚大学欧文分校参加全国赛, placing as high as 11th nationally. 她被评为康科迪亚2019年度最佳女运动员. 


“My mom said I had a foot like a jackrabbit, because it was really big and definitely flat,” Sarah says with a laugh. 


“如果我有足够的速度和高度,感觉就像在飞一样,”她说. “我记得自己像空气一样轻盈,强壮有力. 这是一种奇妙的感觉,我想重现它.” 

她在旧金山湾区的高中参加了四年的比赛, 莎拉被布卢姆菲尔德招募到欧文的康考迪亚大学. 

“我们从她的性格和精力中看到了很多运动潜力,”教练说. “我们想要像莎拉这样性格坚强的人. 她是我们第一个招募班的一员,我们向他们提出挑战,让他们作为一个社区成长. As a captain, Sarah stepped up. They laid the foundation for a family environment.” 

On the field, Sarah made an immediate impact, 在大学一年级的时候,她获得了联会跳远冠军. 

布卢姆菲尔德说:“我们在她身上看到的所有潜力都在最大的舞台上表现出来了。. Joslyn Drew, director of operations for track and field, and assistant coach of long jump and triple jump, says Sarah succeeds because she is coachable. 


成功的跳远需要在跑道上加速, exploding off the board, and running with consistent rhythm so not to scratch, Drew says. But Sarah also needed to learn patience.

“有时候你想当场就有一个个人记录, 如果跳远不顺利,我就会生气和沮丧,” Sarah remembers. “但是我们的教练教我们如何正确地完成这个过程, which leads to your goal, the outcome. That helped me to become more patient. 我开始看到教练们教给我的知识是如何得到回报的. My mentality shifted in meets.” 

德鲁看着萨拉“成熟起来,处理问题的方式也和刚来的时候不一样了,”她说. “我们看到她成长的最酷的地方之一是她的领导能力和吸引队友的能力, both male and female, into the successful patterns she had developed.” 

This was true off the field, too, as Sarah took leadership roles in Phi Epsilon Kappa, a sports medicine fraternity, the Black Student Union, and Omicron Delta Kappa, a leadership fraternity. 不管怎么说,这么多活动,她还是得了3分.71 GPA over four years. 

萨拉说:“我对自己在学业上的成就感到非常自豪. “我很感谢帮助我的教授和同学.” 

在她大二和大三的时候,莎拉在太平洋西部锦标赛中获得了跳远第二名, then returned to top form in her senior year. 她在跳远比赛中飞行了20多英尺,并以全国预选赛前三名的身份获得了室内比赛的资格. 

“Talk about that elated feeling,” she says. “I got that feeling of flying, being so strong, powerful and so effective with my form, and jumping with precision. I was in heaven.” 

但她最伟大的相遇却成了她最大的心碎. After setting four personal records in a row, and breaking the meet record and the stadium record, she pulled her hamstring on the fifth jump. 

“说了那么多的快乐和悲伤,”莎拉说. “我真的很依赖德鲁教练、队友和我的父母,让我在精神上度过难关. 他们一直在说,‘不要让受伤带走你刚刚所做的快乐.’” 

The injury dampened her post-season results, but the meet remained her “proudest, most precious win,” she says. 她赢得了太平洋西部跳远冠军,为她的大学生涯画上了句号. 这是整个球队非凡赛季的一部分, 谁打破了13项女子团体学校记录和6项男子团体学校记录. Even better, 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的女子田径队在整个会议的任何其他运动项目中都比其他任何一个团队拥有更多的学术荣誉——37人. 

After the season ended, 莎拉得知她已被提名为NCAA年度最佳女性奖的前30名决赛选手, out of nearly 600 nominees. No PacWest athlete had ever been a finalist before. 她前往印第安纳波利斯参加颁奖典礼,并与其他被提名的女性建立了联系. 

“有一个周末,我们都可以庆祝彼此的成就,分享我们学校的经验,这真是太棒了, lives and careers,” Sarah says. “We all have a group chat now. I was talking to them today. The NCAA were fantastic hosts, so kind, so helpful. 作为唯一一个能走到这一步的PacWest代表,我感到很惭愧. 太平洋西部的所有球队都有出色的运动员. 我希望我是未来的CUI和PacWest运动员中的一员,代表我们的项目登上大舞台." 


德鲁说:“看到莎拉成为现在这样的女人是我喜欢教练的一个原因。. 她的成功,以及整个团队的成功,让每个人都兴奋不已.

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